State Minister Umesh Shrestha of office of President and Council of Ministers called on the private sector to increase their investment in the field of  Higher Education. The minister urged the private investors to invest in higher education saying that Nepal can be a hub for higher education.
Inaugurating the ‘Kantipur HISSAN Edufair’ on Friday, he also informed the private sector to consider the education and health sectors as service-oriented businesses. Minister Shrestha advised that it would be better if the private sector invest in the education sector as Nepal needs 25 more Universities.
He said that the government would make necessary arrangements and urged the private sector should make the investments. Shrestha also repeatedly told that the investors who will make an investment in education will have more results as there will be huge economic activities in Nepal through Education Sector.
Shrestha said Nepal can be a hub of higher education, by investing in the higher education sector we can expect more economic activities. 11 universities are not enough for our country, we need 25 more.
It will be determined by the government, what types of universities are needed, infrastructures, institutions under the universities, and so on. With all these things done, there is much future in investment in the Education sector. The investment in the sector of health and education is not merely business, but service business.
Minister of State Shrestha also said that the government is making policy, legal and structural arrangements to prevent foreigners from investing heavily in education while making Nepal an education hub. The education fair will be operating for 4 days and arrangements have been made to get information about the reference materials required for obtaining higher education in this single place.