Thursday, January 9, 2025

Agriculture and Forestry University



Agriculture and Forestry University is the first technical university in Nepal established to produce skilled manpower in the disciplines of agriculture, forestry and allied sciences. The university was established in 2010 AD at Rampur, Chitwan. Agriculture and Forestry University was founded when two of the campuses under Tribhuvan University merged; Rampur Campus of the Institute of Animal Science and Animal Science, and Forestry Campus of the Institute of Forestry.

The University has been adding courses to the pre-existing programs initially provided to extend its reach and offer more to the field of agriculture, forestry and allied sciences. Agriculture Forestry University aims to produce highly skilled manpower working for quality research and development of agriculture. The university aims to raise the socio-economic situation of the people of rural areas through research, teaching and extension aiding in the overall development of agriculture, livestock, aquaculture and forestry.

Agriculture and Forestry University has established many constituent colleges to widespread the institution’s principles and accomplish its missions. The University currently has 3 Faculties, 8 Directorates, 3 Centres, 21 Departments and 8 Constituent Colleges.

Faculties under Agriculture and Forestry University

The faculties under Agriculture and Forestry University are listed and discussed below:

Faculty of Agriculture (FOA)

The faculty of Agriculture under Agriculture and Forestry University is a vital organ of the institution holding 9 departments and 2 centres. The faculty offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs directed to research and reach activities in the field of agriculture. This Faculty is well recognised at the National and International levels. Faculty of Agriculture trains students with the aim of self-development, dedication and accountability for the welfare of Nepalese society teaching about rejuvenation and commercialization in the sector of agriculture in a sustainable manner.

Faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries (FAVF)

Under Agriculture and Forestry University, the Faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries is an institution dedicated to producing skilled manpower in the field of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries. The faculty targets to improvise and change the patterns of livestock raising from the household level to the levels of commercialization. Under this faculty, there are 11 departments developing efficient courses and programs for all undergraduate and postgraduate levels. FAVF is dedicated to producing Experts who can guide the local farmers to increase the increasing productivity and prevent common infectious and Zoonotic diseases.

Faculty of Forestry (FOF)

Among the three Faculties of Agriculture and Forestry University, the Faculty of Forestry is one of them. The Faculty has 8 departments under it dedicated to developing efficient Courses and programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The faculty of Forestry aims to research and provide for the Nepalese foresters and the overall welfare of the forests.

Directorates of Agriculture and Forest University

The Directorates of Agriculture and Forestry University are mentioned below:

  1. Directorate of Research and Extension
  2. Directorate of Post-Graduate Program
  3. Directorate of Planning
  4. Directorate of Farm
  5. Directorate of Museum
  6. Directorate of Student Welfare
  7. Directorate of Continuing Education
  8. Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Centres of Agriculture and Forestry University

The Centres of Agriculture and Forestry University are listed below:

  1. Curriculum Development Centre
  2. Centre for Biotechnology
  3. Centre for Development Studies and Rural Sociology

Departments under Agriculture and Forestry University

Department and Courses under the Agriculture and Forestry University are listed below:

Departments Under the Faculty of Agriculture

  • Department of Agri. Economics and Agri. Business Management

Agricultural Economics

UGAEC 101Principle of Economics
UGAEC 102Farm Management and Production Economics
UGAEC 303Agriculture Marketing and Cooperatives
UGAEC 404Agriculture Project Planning
UGAEC 405Agribusiness Management
PGAEC 601Microeconomics
PGAEC 602Macroeconomics
PGAEC 603Econometrics
PGAEC 604Mathematical Economics
PGAEC 605Agricultural Production Economics
PGAEC 606Development Economics
PGAEC 607Agricultural Marketing and Price Policy
PGAEC 608Project Appraisal and Evaluation
PGAEC 609Financial Management
PGAEC 610Natural Resource Economics
PGAEC 611International Agricultural Trade
PGAEC 612Statistics for Social Sciences
PGAEC 613Research Methods
PGAEC 614Agribusiness Management

Agri-Business Management

PGABM 601Principles of Management
PGABM 602Business Law, Ethics and Agri-business Policy
PGABM 603Agri-business Investment Analysis
PGABM 604Agri-business Environment and Policy
PGABM 605Supply Chain and Value Chain Management
PGABM 606Participatory Market System Development (PMSD)
PGABM 607International Agriculture Trade and Sustainability Governance
PGABM 608Organization Behaviour and Human Resource Management
PGABM 609Communication for Business Management
PGABM 610Banking, Insurance and Accounting
PGABM 611Seed Supply Chain Management
PGABM 612Technology Management of Livestock Products
PGABM 613Management of Agricultural Input Marketing
PGABM 614Poultry and Hatchery Management
PGABM 615Management of Floriculture and Landscaping
PGABM 616Intellectual Property Rights in Agribusiness
PGABM 617Market Information System
PGABM 618Leadership and Change Management
PGABM 619Management Information System
PGABM 620Rural Marketing
PGABM 621International Marketing
PGABM 622Managerial Accounting and Control
PGABM 623Project Work I (Agri-Inputs, Production System and Financial Analysis
PGABM 624Project Work II (Agri-Products, Processing and Marketing)
  • Department of Soil Science and Agri Engineering
  • Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding
  • Department of Plant Pathology
  • Department of Entomology
UGENT 201Introductory Entomology
UGENT 202Principle and Practices of Insect Pest Management
UGENT 303Economic Entomology
UGENT 304Industrial Entomology
PGENT 601Insect Morphology
PGENT 602Insect Physiology
PGENT 603Insect Ecology
PGENT 604Insect Taxonomy
PGENT 605Insect Pest Management
PGENT 606Insecticide Toxicology
PGENT 607Taxonomy of Immature Insects
PGENT 608Insect Pathology
PGENT 609Biological Control
PGENT 610Storage Entomology
PGENT 611Field Crop Entomology
PGENT 612Horticulture Entomology
PGENT 613Pesticide Regulation and Environment Pollution
PGENT 614Vertebrate Pest Management
PGENT 615Silkworm Rearing
PGENT 616Apiculture and Crop Pollination
  • Department of Horticulture
UGHRT 101Introductory Horticulture
UGHRT 102Ornamental Horticulture
UGHRT 203Fruit and Plantation Crop Production
UGHRT 204Vegetable and Spice Production
UGHRT 305Post-harvest Horticulture
UGHRT 406Agroforestry
UGHRT 406 InterdepartmentalAgroforestry Learning for Entrepreneurial Experience
PGHRT 601Advances in Pomology
PGHRT 602Advances in Olericulture
PGHRT 603Advances in Floriculture
PGHRT 604Citriculture
PGHRT 605Landscape and Garden Design
PGHRT 606Growth and Development of Horticultural Crops
PGHRT 607Postharvest Physiology of Horticulture Crops
PGHRT 608Processing and Preservations of Horticultural Crops
PGHRT 609Plant Propagation and Nursery Management
PGHRT 610Plantation Crops, Spices and Condiments
PGHRT 611Vegetable Seed Production Technology
PGHRT 612Breeding of Vegetable Crops
PGHRT 613Breeding of Plant Crops
PGHRT 614Breeding of Ornamental Plants
PGHRT 615Protected Horticulture
PGHRT 616Horticulture Laboratory Techniques
PGHRT 617Environmental Plant Physiology
PGHRT 618Plant Stress Physiology
PGHRT 619Horticulture Plant Water Relation
PGHRT 620Tissue Culture of Horticultural Crops
PGHRT 690Special Problems
  • Department of Agriculture Extension and Rural Sociology
  • Department of Agricultural Botany and Agri. Conservation Ecology
  • Department of Agronomy
  • Department of Rural Sociology and Development Studies

Department Under Faculty of Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries

  • Department of Livestock Production and Management
  • Department of Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production
  • Department of Aquaculture
  • Department of Aquatic Resources Management
  • Department of Veterinary Medicine and Public Health
UGVPH 301Environmental Hygiene
UGVPH 302Veterinary Epidemiology
UGVMC 301Internal Medicine I (systemic)
UGVMC 402Internal Medicine II (metabolic and Deficiency)
UGVMC 403Preventive Medicine I (bacterial, Fungal and rickettsial)
UGVPH 403Milk and Meat Hygiene, Food Safety and Public Health
UGVMC404Preventive Medicine II (Viral, protozoal and parasitic Diseases)
UGVMC 405Ethics and Jurisprudence
UGVPH 504Zoonosis and Public Health
UGVMC 506Animal Welfare

Veterinary Medicine

PGVMC 601Disease of cattle, horse, sheep and goat I
PGVMC 602Disease of cattle, horse, sheep and goat II
PGVMC 603Metabolic Diseases of Cattle, Sheep and Goat
PGVMC 604Diseases of Dog and Cat
PGVMC 605Diseases of Swine
PGVMC 606Infectious Diseases of Horse, Sheep and Goat I
PGVMC 607Infectious Diseases of Horse, Sheep and Goat II
PGVMC 608Poultry Diseases
PGVMC 609Diseases of Animals Caused By Toxicants
PGVMC 610Wild Life Medicine
PGVMC 611Advanced Studies in Protozoan Diseases
PGVMC 612Emergency Veterinary Medicine
PGVMC 699MSc Seminar
PGVMC 700MSc Thesis
PGVMC 899PhD Seminar
PGVMC 900PhD Dissertation

Veterinary Epidemiology and Public Health

PGVPH 601General Epidemiology
PGVPH 602Introduction to Veterinary Public Health
PGVPH 603Environmental Pollution & Safety
PGVPH 604Food Hygiene and Toxicology
PGVPH 605Occupational Health
PGVPH 606Advanced Epidemiology
PGVPH 607Biostatistical Method for Public Health Practices
PGVPH 608Viral Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control
PGVPH 609Bacterial Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control
PGVPH 610Parasitical Zoonoses, Recognition, Prevention and Control
PGVPH 611Food Borne Infections and Intoxication, Prevention and Control
PGVPH 612Heard Health Management and Biosecurity
PGVPH 613Animal Health Economics
PGVPH 614Organic Farming and Bio-Products
PGVPH 615Emerging and Re-emerging Zoonoses
PGVPH 616Veterinary Clinical Epidemiology
PGVPH 617Ecology of Diseases
PGVPH 618Quality Control of Foods of Animal Origin
PGVPH 619Recent Concepts in Epidemiology & Disease Forecasting
PGVPH 620Live Stock and Poultry Disease Investigation
PGVPH 621Survey, Surveillance and Data Management
PGVPH 622Current Topics in Veterinary Public Health
PGVPH 623Bio-Terrorism and Disaster Management
PGVPH 699MSc Seminar 
PGVPH 700MSc Thesis
PGVPH 899PhD Seminar
PGVPH 900PhD Dissertation
  • Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology


UGVMI 301General Veterinary Microbiology
UGVMI 302Veterinary Immunology and Serology
UGVMI 303Systematic Veterinary Biology and Mycology
UGVMI 304Systematic Veterinary Virology

  MVSc Microbiology

PGVMI 601General Veterinary Microbiology
PGVMI 602Systematic Veterinary Microbiology
PGVMI 603Veterinary Mycology
PGVMI 604General virology
PGVMI 605Systematic Animal Virology
PGVMI 606Advanced Immunology
PGVMI 607Vaccinology
PGVMI 608Diagnostics of Infectious Diseases
PGVMI 609Techniques in Microbiology and Immunology
PGVMI 610Food Microbiology
PGVMI 611Microbial Physiology
PGVMI 612Avian Immunology
PGVMI 699MSc Seminar
PGVMI 700MSc Thesis
PGVMI 899PhD Seminar
PGVMI 900PhD Dissertation

MVSc Parasitology

PGVPA 601Platyhelminthes
PGVPA 602Nemathelminths
PGVPA 603Protozoology
PGVPA 604Parasitological Techniques
PGVPA 605Immuno-parasitology
PGVPA 606Entomology and Acarology
PGVPA 607Parasitic Zoonosis
PGVPA 608Clinical Parasitology
PGVPA 609Poultry Parasitology
PGVPA 610Fish Parasitology
PGVPA 699MSc Seminar
PGVPA 700MSc Thesis
  • Department of Veterinary Surgery and Pharmacology
  • Department of Veterinary Theriogenology
  • Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry
  • Department of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology
UGANB 201Principles of Genetics and Animal Breeding
UGANB 202Animal Breeding and Biotechnology
UGANB 503Livestock and Poultry Breeding
PGANB 601Advanced Ruminant Breeding
PGANB 602Animal Research Methods
PGANB 603Biotechnological Animal Breeding
PGANB 604Advanced in Non- Ruminants Breeding
PGANB 605Animal Production Physiology
PGANB 606Animal Endocrinology
PGANB 607Reproductive Physiology
PGANB 608Rare Breed of Animal; their Conservation and Utilization
PGANB 609Population and Mendelian Genetics
PGANB 610Poultry Breeding
PGANB 611Quantitative and Molecular Genetics
  • Veterinary Pathology and Clinics

Department  Under the Faculty of Forestry

  • Department of Basic Science and Humanities
UGBSH 101Principles of Cytology, Genetics and Breeding
UGBSH 102Communicational and Technical English
UGBSH 103Introductory Economics
UGBSH 104Social Science for Forestry
UGBSH 105Forest Law and Policy
UGBSH 106Principles and Practices of Management
UGBSH 107Tree Physiology
UGBSH 201 Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
UGBSH 301Elementary Statistics & Computer Application
UGBSH 401Entrepreneurship Development and Communication Skills
PGBSH 601Forest Policy, Law and International Conventions
PGBSH 701Statistical Analysis and Research Methodology
PGBSH 702Computer Programming (C++)
  • Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
UGEES 201Forest Ecology
UGEES 301Fire Ecology
UGEES 302Mountain Ecology
UGEES 303Biodiversity Conservation
UGEES 401Environmental Science
UGEES 402Ecosystem Services and Climate Change
UGEES 403Global Environment Change
PGEES 601Climate Change and Impacts on Natural Resources
PGEES 602Environment Impact Assessment
PGEES 603Biodiversity Conservation and Restoration
  • Department of Forest Products Utilization
UGFPU 101Wood Anatomy
UGFPU 201Harvesting and Logging
UG FPU 202Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
UGFPU 301Wood Products and Utilization
UGFPU 302Ethnobotany
UGFPU 303Wood Science And Technology
UGFPU 401Utilization of Non-Timber Forest Products
PGFPU 601Advance Wood and Non-Wood Utilization
PGFPU 602Renewable Energy Resources and Bio-Energy
  • Department of Forest Survey and Engineering
UGFSE 101Forest Surveying
UGFSE 201Forest Engineering
UGFSE 301Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
UGFSE 302Remote Sensing Air Photo Interpretation
PGFSE 701GIS Application in Natural Resources
  • Department of Natural Resource Management
UGNRM 102Forest Extension
UGNRM 201Principles of Forest Economics
UGNRM 202Forest Mensuration and Biometrics
UGNRM 203Forest Management
UGNRM 301Rangeland Management
UGNRM 302Forest Business Management
UGNRM 303Community Forestry and Governance
UGNRM 401Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis
UGNRM 402Natural Resources Economics
PGNRM 601Sustainable Forest Management
PGNRM 602Advance Natural Resources Economics
PGNRM 603Community-Based Forest Management and Governance
  • Department of Silviculture and Forest Biology
UGSFB 101Principles and Practices of Silviculture
UGSFB 102Dendrology
UGSFB 201Silvicultural Systems
UGSFB 202Agroforestry System and Management
UGSFB 203Forest Protection
UGSFB 301Nursery Management
UGSFB 401Silviculture of Nepalese Tree
PGSFB 601Advance Silviculture
PGSFB 602World Forestry System
PGSFB 603Agroforestry Systems and Management
  • Department of Soil and Watershed Management
UGSWM 101Introduction Soil Science
UGSWM 201Fundamentals of Geology
UGSWM 202Forest Hydrology
UGSWM 301Watershed Management
UGSWM 401Soil Survey and Degraded Land Management
PGSWM 601Advance Watershed Management
  • Department of Wildlife and Protected Reserve
UGWPR 101Wildlife Biology
UGWPR 102Wildlife and Eco-Tourism Management
UGWPR 201Wildlife Conservation
UGWPR 202Protected Area Management
UGWPR 301Tourism and Recreation
PGWPR 601Wildlife and Protected Area Management

Constituent Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry University

The Constituent Colleges of Agriculture and Forestry University are as follows

  1. College of Natural Resource Management- Puranchaur, Kaski
  2. College of Natural Resource Management- Tikapur, Kailali
  3. College of Natural Resource Management- Marin, Kapilakot, Sindhuli
  4. College of Natural Resource Management- Pakhribas, Dhankuta
  5. College of Natural Resource Management- Bardibas, Dhankuta
  6. College of Natural Resource Management- Khajura, Banke
  7. College of Natural Resource Management- Madichaur, Rolpa
  8. College of Natural Resource Management- Dullu, Dailekh

Programs Offered  By Agriculture and Forestry University

Programs offered by Agriculture and Forestry University are listed below:

Agriculture Programs

Bachelor Level:

  1. BSc Ag

Post Graduate Level:

  1. MSc Ag:
    • Agriculture Extension
    • Plant Pathology
    • Soil Science
  2. MSc Ag/ PhD:
    • Agriculture Economics
    • Agronomy
    • Conservation Ecology
    • Entomology
    • Horticulture
    • Plant Breeding
    • Rural Sociology

Animal Science, Veterinary Science and Fisheries

Bachelor Level:

  1. BVSc & AH
  2. BSc Fisheries

Post-Graduate Level:

  1. PhD / MSc Animal Science
    • Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production
    • Animal Breeding
    • Livestock Production and Management
  2. PhD/ M.V.Sc.
    • Medicine
  3. M.V.Sc.
    • Microbiology
    • Pharmacology
    • Theriogenology
  4. PhD/ MSc Fisheries (Aquaculture)

Forestry Programs

Bachelor Programs:

  1. BSc Forestry

Post-Graduate Programs:

  1. MSc Forestry

Where is the Agriculture and Forestry University located?

The central offices of Agriculture and Forestry University are located at Rampur, Chitwan. Departments and constituent colleges of the University are spread all over Nepal.


This blog “Agriculture and Forestry University” discusses and lists the Faculties, Directorates, Centres, Constituent colleges, Departments, Courses and Programs of Agriculture and Forestry University. All the Updates by the university regarding its notices and results can be viewed on the Notice and Result webpages of Gurubaa.

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