The examination routine of B.Sc., B.B.S., B.A. & B.Ed. 1st Year 2080 has been published by the Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management. The routine can be found in the attached PDF file.
Key Details about Examination:
- This notice was published on the Facebook page of Tribhuvan University on 7 September 2023.
- The exams will be held from October 2, 2023 (Ashoj 15, 2080) to October 24, 2023 (Ashoj 26, 2080) of all exams.
- The examination time will be from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. for B.B.S and B.Sc and from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. for B.Ed. and B.A
- This examination is for Regular Students only.

B.Sc., B.B.S., B.A. & B.Ed. 1st Year 2080 PDF:
The above pdf includes the examination routine of B.Sc.(BACHELOR IN SCIENCE), B.B.S.(BACHELOR IN BUSINESS STUDIES), B. A(BACHELOR IN ARTS) & B.Ed.(BACHELOR IN EDUCATION)1st year 2080, Examination time, Examination Date, and the guidelines that need to be followed during the examination period. In order to do better in exams, Start preparing yourself for the upcoming examinations today!!!
Download the examination routine here: [Click here to download]
For more information, please contact:
- The examination controller’s office of the Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management.
- Your respective campus/college.