UNit-11 Economy and Development(शिक्षा र सामाजिक विकास) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
UNit-10 Economy and Development(अर्थतन्त्र र विकास)Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
UNit-9 Urbanization and Migration (सहरीकरण र बसाइँसराइ) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
Unit-8 Constitution and Civic Awareness(संविधान र नागरिक सचेतना) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
Unit-7 Social Identity and Diversity (सामाजिक पहिचान र विविधता) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
Unit-6 History of Nepal(नेपालको इतिहास) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
Unit-5 Geography and Social Life(भुगोल र सामाजिक जीवन) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
Unit-4 Society Development and Philosophy(समाजको विकास र दर्शन)Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
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