Admission Exam RESULT MBA 2022/2024 Fall Sem
BE(Civil/Electrical) 7th/MSc ISE 2nd Sem RESULT
BE/BArch 3rd/5th/7th/9th Semester Examination Form
BPH/B Pharmacy 2nd Semester exam Form Filling
Exam Registration Form for BSc 3rd/5th/7th/9th Sem
Scholarship RESULT List of PUFOE 2078/2079 BS
2022 Registration Form Fill Up for Masters Level
Purbanchal University Notice:
In this page, you will find all the latest news and notices regarding Purbanchal University. This page contains all of Purbanchal University’s bachelor’s and master’s degree program notices. Both management and science faculty notices can be found on this page. The Purbanchal University Notice section of Gurubaa helps you to get all the latest and updated notices like exam dates, exam registration forms, etc.
You are not required to search all the faculty of Purbanchal University for the notice, you will get all the notices in one place in this section. Our main mission is to provide updated news and notices to students so that students can prepare themself according to the notice.
Students will get all the notices that have been published by PU (Purbanchal University) in this section. Therefore, students do not have to search anywhere for notices such as results, exam dates, and scholarship information of Purbanchal University.
Get in touch with Gurubaa to get all the latest updated notices from Purbanchal University.