Social Studies
Unit-8 Constitution and Civic Awareness(संविधान र नागरिक सचेतना) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
NotesUnit-8 Constitution and Civic Awareness(संविधान र नागरिक सचेतना) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills NotesPdf:View the pdf of Class 12 Unit-8 Constitution...
Unit-7 Social Identity and Diversity (सामाजिक पहिचान र विविधता) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
NotesUnit-7 Social Identity and Diversity (सामाजिक पहिचान र विविधता) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills NotesPdf:Read the Unit-7 Social Identity and Diversity...
Unit-6 History of Nepal(नेपालको इतिहास) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
NotesUnit-6 History of Nepal(नेपालको इतिहास) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills NotesPdf:See the pdf notes of Class 12 Unit-6 History of Nepal...
Unit-5 Geography and Social Life(भुगोल र सामाजिक जीवन) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
NotesUnit-5 Geography and Social Life(भुगोल र सामाजिक जीवन) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills NotesPdf:See the image pdf notes on Unit-5 Geography...
Unit-2 Digital and General Research Skills as Useful Life Skills (जीवनपयोगी सिपको रुपमा डिजिटल तथा सामान्य अनुसन्धान) सिप Class 12 Social Studies and Life...
NotesUnit-2 Digital and General Research Skills as Useful Life Skills (जीवनपयोगी सिपको रुपमा डिजिटल तथा सामान्य अनुसन्धान) सिप Class 12 Social Studies and Life...
Unit -1 Interrelationship of Social Studies and Life long Learning (सामाजिक अध्ययन र जीवन शिक्षाको अन्तरसम्बन्ध) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills Notes
NotesUnit -1 Interrelationship of Social Studies and Life long Learning (सामाजिक अध्ययन र जीवन शिक्षाको अन्तरसम्बन्ध) Class 12 Social Studies and Life Skills NotesImage:See...